Patterns Wiki

Due to inactivity over the past year, this wiki is being closed in the next week or two.


Patterns Wiki

These settings are accessed from the pause panel in game.

Select Scene settings to access the following panels

World[ | ]

Gravity multiplier (0-2): Increase or decrease the power of gravity.

Build gravity multiplier (0-2): Increase or decrease the power of gravity that applies to construction. 0 is equivalent to allowing a player in realistic mode to build like you can in unbound mode.

Creatures allowed: Toggle to turn off or on the appearance of creatures.

Sky[ | ]

Clouds: Toggle the appearance of clouds in the sky on/off

Other planets: Toggle the appearance planets in the sky on/off

Sun and moon: Toggle the appearance of the sun and moon in the sky on/off

Override day/night cycle: Override and specify the colors of the sky. The sky will blend between the two sky color settings entered.

Fog: Toggle on and set fog color and distance at which the fog appears and ends.

Lighting[ | ]

Direct light color: Adjust the light color that is coming from the sun/moon

Direct light intensity (0-1): Adjust the intensity of the light color that is coming from the sun/moon

Bounce light color: Adjust the light color of this complimentary light.

Bounce light intensity (0-1): Adjust the intensity of the complimentary light.

Ambient light color: Adjust the ambient setting that insures everything in the scene has some color.

Effects[ | ]

Post effects: Toggle on/off post processing effects

The Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) image effect approximates Ambient Occlusion in real-time, as an image post-processing effect. It darkens creases, holes and surfaces that are close to each other. In real life, such areas tend to block out or occlude ambient light, hence they appear darker.

SSAO blur (1-8): Amount of blur to apply to the darkening. No blur (0) is much faster but the darkened areas will be noisy.

SSAO radius (0-4): Adjust the maximum “radius” of a gap that will introduce ambient occlusion.
